
What do we mean by data altruism? Exploring how patients can ‘donate’ their data for societal benefit

Throughout the world, access to the health data of past generations has driven innovation within the healthcare industry. Just as we have benefitted from the knowledge of those who came before us, we too can assist in creating a better world for future generations, through engaging in data altruism – the concept of choosing to donate our health data for wider societal benefit.

Building citizen trust in the digital society

From this work, we could conclude that technology is not considered as the main barrier to data sharing. As one of the experts in our last event concluded, technology will always find its way if a culture of trust is settled first. Indeed, TRUST is seen as the cornerstone of this equation – it is, however, a complex concept and it needs to be fully explored and discussed if we wish to find the right actions to enhance it.

The future of healthcare: is it all about data?

The future of healthcare: is it all about data?

Algorithms, AI, electronic health records, sensors, apps, robotics and data registries. A lot of new buzzwords have become commonplace over the last couple of years. One of the most important and often discussed technical terms are ‘data’ and ‘data sharing’. I once heard the phrase, ‘Data is the new oil’ in terms of fueling advances. Sound scary?

by Birgit Bauer

Individual decisions about our data can make meaningful differences to healthcare in the era of COVID-19

We can share relevant data to respond to the pandemic, but also consider how this helps with wider healthcare to gain much needed insight!

by Nigel Hughes